Family Support Services
Healthy Beginnings
Healthy Beginnings is an enhanced community home visiting program for families with children from birth to 3 years offered in partnership through Nova Scotia Health Authority and the Eastern Shore Family Resource Association. The choice to be in this program is yours, and you can stop at anytime. Your home visitor will visit you in your home or somewhere else that is safe and comfortable.
Your home visitor can:
listen to you
encourage you
share information with you about pregnancy,
parenting and early child development -
help you understand your child's behaviour
help you find what you need in your community
You choose:
how often your home visitor will come
what topics to discuss
who to include in the visits
What children learn as infants and toddlers will affect how they will do in school and later in life. Learn how the everyday things we do with our children help them grow and develop. Find out what is available in your community for families. Build confidence in the choices you make as a parent. Your home visitor can help you find the answers that work for your family, as every family is unique!
For more information, please contact:
Tina Devine - Healthy Beginnings Community Home Visitor
Eastern Shore Family Resource Association
Tel: 902-827-1463
Cell: 902-476-6153
Public Health Services at 902-481-5800
Nova Scotia Health Authority and the following Family Resource
Centres in the Central Region of NS are partners in delivering
services for this program:
Eastern Shore Family Resource Association
North Grove Family Centre
Chebucto Family Centre
Bayer's Westwood Family Resource Centre
LEA Place Women's Centre
East Preston Family Resource Centre
All families need support in their parenting role. For some parents, that support comes from other family members or friends.... for others, more formal regular supports may be an option of choice during 'challenging times'.
Parenting Journey is a voluntary community based In- Home Family Support program for families with children ages 0-19 years.The purpose of this project is to promote the healthy growth and development of children and youth by building on each family members' strengths, knowledge, and resources and focusing on desired outcomes for the future.
Parenting Journey recognizes the important role that parents, family,& communities play in the lives of children & youth and addresses this through it's holistic approach to programming, linkages and referrals.
For more information please call ESFRA's Family Centre and ask for Shyneste Downey, Parenting Journey Home Visitor. All calls and inquiries are confidential.
Tel: 902-827-1462
Cell: 902-818-5130

Parenting Journey involves:
An initial screening to determine eligibilty
A Family Assessment to determine areas of strength
Develop a Family Plan with the family to outline goals for the future
Regular home visitation
Collaboration and coordination with other service providers for support
The Home Visitor can provide information on:
child/youth growth and development
parent-child relationships
parenting knowledge and skills
family life management
community connections and referrals